A Saddle Story 

A Saddle Story


There is a story of how the name “Back in the Saddle” became the title of our latest CD. Before I started recording “Saddle” I hadn’t written anything for well over a year. Other than playing my guitar for what I do for a living I hadn’t picked it up either.

Here’s a question; Have you ever given someone or something the power to steal your joy? I was given some helpful and some very not helpful criticism of the gifts God has given me. I became very angry and very hurt. I had given this…

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The Train Of His Robe 

The Train Of His Robe


The Lord has been teaching me. The pain began after I started to pray, “Lord, less of me and more of You!” I’ve experienced trouble at both places of my employment. People are dying around me and I’ve struggled with many of my emotions. This growing up and into Christ-likeness is not for wimps!

But thru it all God has been faithful and assures me He is with me (and you). I like to imagine that every time I feel the wind, it’s the train of Jesus’ holy robe brushing against me as He…

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A Higher Call 

Golden Eagle: A Higher Call

In life there is a call to duty, but sometimes there is “a higher call”, one in which the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ goes above and beyond our call of duty. I just finished reading an amazing book, A Higher Call. It takes place during World War II 1943 in the skies over Germany. An American bomber, it’s pilot and crew, their plane barely able to hold altitude due to heavy damage, tries to make it back to England. A miracle in the sky takes place when a German fighter pilot…

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Let It Go 

Let It Go

Have you ever held onto a painful image, feeling or experience because you were afraid to let it go? Perhaps you believe it was your fault, somehow you dropped the ball. It may have been a major fumble in life where the other team picked up the ball and took the championship game away from you or it simply could have been a swing and a miss and you still have two more tries.

Whatever the case may be God loves you. He is your biggest fan. In the Bible when Job lost everything, his family, fortune…

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Mold Me Into The Man 

Mold Me Into The Man

Have you ever knelt down to pray and not even known where to begin? The list is too long or you may feel unworthy to come before a holy God. Recently I have practiced (notice the word “practiced”) being still before God. I simply begin with, “I love You Lord and I praise Your most holy name” and then I wait.

So often we give God our “to do lists” and then move on without saying thank you or even waiting to hear if He has something to say. I can guarantee that He does. A Father always…

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The Twelve 

My new Album

March 27th, 2014

Good Day Friends,

        I am excited to offer to God and you, my new album, “The Twelve”. It was recorded at home to avoid the costs of studio time. Each song is about one of the twelve apostles who followed Jesus Christ and changed the entire world.

My friend, Pastor Ian Lamont at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Hilton Head Island, SC where I lead worship, is currently doing an incredible sermon series on the life of the apostles. When I opened up my mouth and said, “It would…

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The Journey of Mourning 

The Journey of Mourning


         The loss of a cherished family member or friend due to death has a powerful effect on our lives. No one can grieve for us or tell us how long the process will last. Mourning is a mysterious journey we all must walk. We can and should allow others into our lives to help us and guide us, to offer suggestions, to share with us their own journey and what it’s like now. The one in mourning can draw strength from others knowing that they’ve made it through with God’s…

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Fear To Freedom 

Fear to Freedom


My wife Jeanne and I are on week seven out of twelve leading worship inside the Ridgeland Correctional Institution or prison.

It has been an amazing journey each week watching God work miracles in these men’s lives as well as our own. The chaplain and chaplain’s assistant (an inmate) are both anointed men of God.

         While many churches teach the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ few take you thru the steps and train you to share it and then expect you to carry it out…

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Cover Us We're Going In! 

Cover Us We’re Going In!


My wife and I were invited recently to lead worship…in a prison. I told God I was excited, but not at the idea of my wife going in with me! It’s an all-male prison with some female correction officers.


When I told Jeanne that we had been invited to lead worship for 30 of the core Christian inmates in the prison every Thursday night for 12 weeks she was jazzed! I was not. I was not in control (are we ever?) and I was fearful of the unknown.


I talked with one of the…

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